bowls and objects
For me nothing is more a reflection of the world and of life than the tree. I would think in front of him every day, in front of him and about him ...
Christian Morgenstern
Bowls and objects
about me
about me or how it comes
I remember when I was a little kid I had a balsa block that was meant to be used to drive small nails in with a small hammer. But...
further work
Sphere # 1
The installation Sphere # 1 I did for an exhibition in munich. The wood construction is covered with thin poplar slices, there’s a floor inside that can be entered over...
The factory
The grain field is a symbol for fertility and human existence, for rural idyll and cultivation. A piece of this idyll is now taken out of its natural context, its...
Installation "Day 8"
"Day8" is a dystopian imagination of landscape elements and artefacts of a fictional civilization. A burned down tree, the leaves of which have fallen, a wooden storage vessel, filled with...
useful information
where does the wood come from?
To claim the beauty of nature as my achievement is not for me. It is its own, stand-alone, absolute value. As an artist, I did not create the tree in...

Would you like to experience my work live?
Visit the traditional Holz-Leute shop in the heart of Munich!
You will always find one here Selection of my bowls and objects.
Holz People
Viktualienmarkt 2
Corner of Marienplatz
80331 Munich
Tel.: 089/ 26 82 48
Fax : 089/26 05 50 5
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